Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Estimated World Production of Farmed Shrimp Ecuador ranking 5th in the World and Largest Supplier of Farmed Shrimp in the Americas!

The World
Estimated World Production of Farmed Shrimp and Prawns in 2010

Aquafauna Bio-Marine, which markets specialized diets, equipment and consulting services to shrimp hatcheries worldwide, reports that there are an estimated 2.3 to 2.4 million hectares of shrimp ponds in the world, producing, on average, approximately 1.3 metric tons a year.  Aquafauna says it took an estimated three billion pairs of broodstock to supply the approximate one trillion seedstock required by the industry in 2010.  Restocking ponds because of seedstock mortalities after stocking accounts for approximately 30% of the seedstock requirement.

In business for almost 35 years, Aquafauna provided the following data on the world production of shrimp and prawns in 2010:

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